Monday, September 27, 2010

Party ready!!

I'm a little slow getting things on the blog, but I could not forget this one.  We just loved that everyone came to visit for Austin and Grandad's b'day weekend.  As everyone knows, you always want to look your best for a good party.  This party was no exception.  Elizabeth decided to help Uncle Matt and Aunt Margaret with their party looks.
Grandad and Charlotte resting up for all of the crazy party fun to come!

Rested and ready for her pool debut.  So fabulous!!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Happy Birthday Austin and Grandad!!

Well, our little guy made it to 5!  It does not seem that long ago that we were pulling out of the driveway at 11pm to go meet our Austin.  He wanted a Star Wars birthday this year, to include a light saber cake.  It turned out to be a wonderfully big party with the whole family here to celebrate.  We had all the grandparents, aunts,uncles and cousins.  (I totally forgot to take pictures of everyone).  Even new baby Charlotte made it from Houston!  Thanks to her mom and dad for bringing her for the festivities.   Austin was SO excited to share another birthday with Grandad, as well.  Thanks to everyone for making it such a special day. 
May the birthday force be with you.....
Happy Birthday Bean!  We love you!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Elizabeth's new chair

Elizabeth and I have been working on a little project this summer.  She bought an ugly chair with a smile at our neighbor's garage sale in Kansas.  We moved that chair here, then tore it apart!  When appropriate, she helped with each step of the process.  First she picked out her fabric and paint color.  (This was a major thing).  Then she helped remove fabric and staples.  She was not too sure about the sanding, but tried it.  She did not like the way the vibrations made her hands feel.  Once I finished the sanding, we painted.  She did a fair amount of the painting, with me just coming behind to smooth out and catch drips.  The staple gun was a Mom thing, although she did help hold the fabric tight or the chair still.  I've included the before and after picks.  I'm happy with the way it turned out and I'm proud of Elizabeth for sticking with the project.  She saw the fabric, knew what color she wanted and went for it!  Good job LadyBug!!
The before "ugly chair"
It's going to be all mine!
Ta Da!!  Complete w/ sparkle trim.