Thursday, November 25, 2010

Granny's 86th b'day

We went to Stephenville to celebrate Granny's 86th birthday.  I was happy that the kids were able to celebrate a birthday with their great-gandmother this year.  Kerwin was there and we grilled a nice birthday lunch.  Yes, you read right, Kerwin and I made a meal!  That afternoon, Granny played the piano for us.  She played some songs using music, but she also played by memory.  It was a real treat to see the kids with her on this special day.

Happy 86th Granny!!

Even Grandad played a tune.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Singing in church

This is my first try at posting a video to my blog.  Hope this works!

The children's choirs at St. Andrew combined to sing in church.  They did such a wonderful job.  Both Austin and Elizabeth performed for the first time.  I am SO proud of them!!  The video is a little quiet, but I was trying to record from my seat during a church service without being too obvious.  The song is "Ancient Words."  It talks about how the ancient words of God are ever true.  So sweet coming from the voices of little ones.....I did not have tears in my eyes.....really.......I did not.

Monday, November 8, 2010

JDRF walk 2010

To say I'm behind on my blogs would be an understatement.  I am, however, still trying.  So come with me back to October.

We've started an annual tradition of walking in our local JDRF walk.  (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation)  This year, we joined forces with Auntie Casey's team - Elizabeth's Sugar Shakers.  Elizabeth was SO excited to have such a large group of family and friends there to support her....even with the pouring rain:) 
Also, we as a family, would like to say thanks to all of the wonderfully special family and friends that give to this cause.  It is a disease that Elizabeth will live with the rest of her life.  We think the JDRF is her best ally in the fight to live a happy, healthy, normal life with diabetes. 

 Recognizing those little ones that live with type 1 diabetes. 

Team Elizabeth's Sugar Shakers!!

Love those banana stops!

Kudos to Auntie Casey for all of the hard work building the team and gathering donations.
As Elizabeth would say - You rock!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween!!!

The kids enjoyed a fun Halloween evening with the family this year.  Ganna and Papa were in town for the weekend, so they were able to stay for Trick-or-Treating.  We met over at the Uphues's house for dinner (thanks you guys) then headed out for the big prize - candy!  Jack, Creighton's dad, and Barbara came as well, so we had camera flashes like paparazzi.  Our neighborhood had some very spooky porches, but the kids did not seem to mind.  They kept their eyes on the prize.

Darth Vador and The Birthday Present

Ready to train the new kid!  Welcome Elephant Marshall.
Elephants can get so tired...